CHO OYU 2006 ~ EVEREST 2004
Friendship Beyond Borders Expeditions

A Team of International Friends Helping Amputees Change the World

In the Spring of 2004, Nawang Sherpa of Nepal became the first amputee to climb Mount Everest on his first attempt, and the first disabled Asian person to reach the summit

Nawang succeeded on his first try, even though he:

--Had not dared to train before the climb, fearing he might injury his leg before his one chance on Mount Everest...

--Had to climb using one artificial leg, and he had to always carry a spare leg in his backpack...and

--Could not eat for three days climbing to the summit, and for two days descending

Nawang on the summit of Mt. Everest in perfect weather, May 16, 2004 A very auspicious coincidence... When Nawang and his team reached the summit of Mount Everest on his first attempt on May 16, 2004 it was National Aid to the Disabled Day in China. Learn more about China's impressive efforts to help its amputees and other disabled people. honored us in its


Best Expeditions of 2004

Special Recognition to Nawang Sherpa and
EVEREST: Friendship Beyond Borders Expedition

Nawang proudly shows off his high-tech prosthetic leg to other expeditions at Everest Base Camp.

In 2009, Nawang Sherpa is in the U.S. working as a legendary mountaineer and sports consultant to help amputees and others recover from traumatic injuries through climbing and mountaineering

The Friendship Beyond Borders Team traveled to China to help Nawang become the first trans-tibial amputee to climb two of the world's highest mountains, and further raise awareness of the potential of amputees to change the world in very positive ways. Our Journal lets you follow along with Nawang and our team's Spring 2006 attempt on the world's 6th-highest peak, Cho Oyu, in China.

"We do not have to become heroes overnight...just a step at a time,
discovering that we have the strength to stare each thing down."

~ Eleanor Roosevelt 1884-1962 ~

Nawang carefully crossing a huge crevasse in the deadly Khumbu Icefall.

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